
TDS 5.1 Release Notes

November 10, 2014 | Charlie Turano

In the past months we've been working on the next version of TDS. I'm excited to announce we are in the final phases of internal testing and are getting ready to open up public beta for everyone to try. If you're excited about all the feature updates, don't forget to check out my TDS 5.1 demo at the Sitecore Users Virtual Summit!


  • Added the ability to manage Sitecore Roles within a TDS project
  • Introduced the ability to sync items using Sitecore's History engine
  • Item level merging to handle merge conflicts at check-in


  • Added a field level deployment indicator link to the Deployment Property Manager
  • Fixed the tool tips on the Sync Window
  • New ability to disable TDS features while debugging
  • Allow users to now copy field values when in the sync window
  • Allow syncing to continue after finding a duplicate item
  • Improve performance of the icon caching


  • When a value is in the TDS .user file and the TDSGlobal.config file, the build properties window didn't work correctly
  • If an item was locked and the deployment wanted to delete it, the deployment would fail
  • Stop code regeneration as each file is pulled down from Source Control
  • TDS Code Gen Errors now no longer appear when the solution is not open
  • Restyle the license update text box
  • Code generation would include fields when they were not in the TDS project, it is now prevented from doing that
  • Fixed the issue TDS & Rocks was having with _Standard Values
  • If you have a solution with folders in it and the source web project is in a folder, something went wrong in the process of hooking TDS to the project. This issue has been resolved.

Don't forget to RSVP for my SitecoreUVS demo and check back for when we open up public beta!